Real estate financing solutions

Your financial partner

SIMAT has been established for the purpose of finding financing and real estate solutions and investment in the field of real estate marketing to create a balanced system linking real estate finance, urban development and real estate services through a specialized team with high efficiency, we provide a variety of financing solutions compatible with the provisions of Islamic law through mediation and partnership with The approved funding bodies in order to help our clients make one of the most important decisions of their lives, which is to buy their dream home and achieve prosperity and stability for the future, and during the last period, we were able, thanks to God Almighty, to achieve tangible spread and success in our various activities with a scientific concept that draws firm and supportive regulatory policies and procedures to raise the level of performance in accordance with quality standards Global in the financial services sector.

Our Mission

Providing real estate financing products and services with all efficiency, effectiveness and distinction, and we encourage our customers to spend investment instead of consumer spending, and we provide a stimulating and supportive work environment that enables our employees to achieve their potential and unleash their energies.

Our Values


Always striving for excellence, development and creativity to keep pace with all developments in our business sector


Staying ahead of the highest standards in all of our businesses to provide added value that matches our customers' needs and more


Maintaining strong and solid relationships with all our partners based on transparency, fairness, fairness and mutual appreciation


Working on developing our entrepreneurial capabilities through dealing professionally, with merit and with a holistic outlook


Commitment to achieving the goals of our customers, shareholders, and employees with high efficiency

How do you choose the right real estate financing for you?

The choice of real estate financing has now become one of the most important and complex financial decisions that an individual makes due to an increase The supply of real estate financing products in the Saudi market from several parties. Real estate finance is available in the market In many different forms characterized by different fixed interest rates And the variable, methods of payment, fees and features provided by each of the borrowers. Among these different products there is what suits your needs! So you should consult experienced people to be directed The right direction for you.

Our Vision

We are working to provide high-level financing solutions to our valued customers to match their expectations by combining finding solutions to problems and providing efficient and exemplary services by a team specialized in the field of real estate finance and our goal is leadership in this field.

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A word from the general manager

Achievements do not come from a vacuum, but from the accumulation of expertise and experience. We are at SMAT reached a remarkable level, as we have been able to gain clients' confidence by providing innovative and distinguished products and consulting services that meet their needs. All this comes by hiring qualified and trained team and strategic partnerships with our full commitment to values and principles.


General Manager
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